Gustafson Collection


	Correspondence, Sinclair Ross
Correspondence, Sinclair Ross
Correspondence concerning Ross’s inclusion in the collection Contemporary Canadian Writing.
"Marginalia", Proof
"Marginalia", Proof
2 pages, one with a handwritten note on it. Introduction to edition of Voices featuring Canadian poets.
Alfred the Great Proof
Alfred the Great Proof
Includes several copies of an advertisement card, a bound uncorrected page proof copy, and Alfred the Great pamphlet including Gustafson information and sample page of the play.
Anthology of Canadian Poetry (incomplete) Proof
Anthology of Canadian Poetry (incomplete) Proof
6 page proofs from the Anthology of Canadian Poetry, consisting of the Ralph Gustafson section.
Anthology of Canadian Poetry, Review
Anthology of Canadian Poetry, Review
Newspaper clippings of reviews Anthology of Canadian Poetry from various newspapers.
Canadian Accent, Review
Canadian Accent, Review
Two reviews of Canadian Accent.
Corrected typescript of a short story; 6 pages.
Corresondence, T.S. Eliot
Corresondence, T.S. Eliot
Message from Ralph on behalf of his class thanking Eliot for his works and wishing him a happy birthday and Eliot’s response thanking him.
Correspondence, A.M. [Abraham Moses] Klein
Correspondence, A.M. [Abraham Moses] Klein
Letters about Klein’s inclusion in Gustafson’s anthologies. Cheque for payment included. Poems included: “A psalm of Abraham, concerning that which he beheld UPON THE HEAVENLY SCARP,” “A psalm of Abraham, touching his green pastures.”
Correspondence, Al Purdy
Correspondence, Al Purdy
Letters concerning publication of both Purdy’s and Gustafson’s poems. Gustafson poem included: “Her Love as the Lance Pierced.”
Correspondence, B.K. Sandwell
Correspondence, B.K. Sandwell
Letters about accepting and rejecting Gustafson’s work for publication in Saturday Night. Letters commending Gustafson’s anthologies. Letter from Bovey to Gustafson re: Alfred the Great, as well as an introduction to it and a review of it by Bovey. Also some correspondence concerning other Canadian poets, like Klein and Souster.
Correspondence, Charles GD Roberts
Correspondence, Charles GD Roberts
Correspondence about Robert’s inclusion into Gustafson’s poetry anthology and an issue of Voices. C.G.D.R. Poems included: “Canada Speaks of Britain,” “Epitaph for a Young Airman,” “Not Here Comes Spring,” “Song for the Victory Delayed,” “To France, June 1940,” “As Down the Woodland Ways.”
