Correspondence, Robert Service

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MSS 6-1_1_A_146-p001
2 West 67th Street New York 23, K.Y,March 16, 1957Dear Robert ServiceI'm completing a new anthology of Canadian poetryto be published later this year by Penguin Books Ltd., and Would like to include in it of yours: THE CREMATION OF SAM McGEE.I have to have clearance of copyright, Penguins go so -..idly abroad. My copy of yovr "Collected Verse" is publishedy by Ernest Benn Ltd., London, no copyright stated. The book of yours published by Dodd Mead, New York, is your copyright. Would a word from you of permission clear me, if the above is agreeable?I hate to trouble you about such matters, but copyright is always an editorial challenge� sometimes insoluble.With warmest regards,Yours sincerely,c/o Dodd Kead Publishing Co. 432 Fourth Avenue New YorkRalph Gustafson (Editor)
MSS 6-1_1_A_146-p002
Villa Aurore Monte Carlo 25th Mar. 1957Dear Mr. Gustafson:I have always had a great liking for Penguin Books and would have wished to be enlisted under that banner; but when i suggested to Benn a possible tie -up they were most allergic.They are now bringing out a paper-back edition of the SOURDOUGH that will compete with Penguins, and object to me giving permission for any extracts to be used from that book.You will understandthe position.Wishing you successSincerely,[R.W. Service]
MSS 6-1_1_A_146-p004
COURONNE DU BLASON MEDITERRANEEMr. Ralph Gustafson2. IV. 67th Str.New York. 23Etats Unis, N.Y.
MSS 6-1_1_A_146-p003
2 West 67th. Street New York 23, N.Y.April 9, 1957Dear Mr. Service,Many thanks for your letter of March 25th. It was with great reluctance that I took your poem from the typescript of my anthology of Canadian poetry� I'd hoped that I might include you.One swallow, it seems, can't compete with a whole summer-- a penguin, that is� but the ways of publishers are sometimes difficult.I send along a Penguin I did� just as a token of a thank-you- you may not have seen it, it was a wartime job� and all warmest regards,Sincerely,